my cup of tea

Sunday, August 07, 2005

In the beginning...

So I've decided to start a blog devoted to my adventures in England. I figure it's probably the only type of journal I won't be too lazy to keep, haha. I'm not actually there yet; I'll be studying abroad in Oxford from August 24 - December 7.

I've been out of the country several times (Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Hungary) but they were mostly for mission trips and there wasn't much time to explore/tour. So I'm really looking forward to spending a quality 3 1/2 months in Europe and learning what it's like to live there!

I'm taking 16 hours of classes also: Message of the Old Testament, Devo. & Wisdom Lit. of the Old Testament, Christian Worship, Oxford through the Ages, Great Britain Society & Culture, and Intro. to Global Studies.

The few days before our Study Abroad group leaves, we'll be taking several tests. One is over the geography of the world, another is over British vocabulary, and I'll also be turning in a 10-page paper (ugh). I haven't started the paper yet, but I have been studying my geography and vocab, learning lots of interesting words like "Bubbles and Squeak" (a dish made up of cabbage and potatoes) and "Bob is your uncle" (similar to "there you have it"), hehe. I'm hoping I'll come back in December with an accent! Wishful thinking... :)


  • At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok so if you do aquire an accent you are going to HAVE to pass it on to me since we are basically the same person and i want an accent as well haha hope you have fun! be sure to keep in touch. love ya!

  • At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Lisa!
    I sure miss you, but your blogspot really helps to see where you are and all the fun you are having. I love the name of your page! At least on the 3rd floor you'll excercise off all those scones and clotted cream and hot cross buns!
    Bless you and your time there. We think of you everyday.


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