my cup of tea

Friday, September 16, 2005

Love Feast

We didn't have class today! Instead, we had 2 guest speakers come and do an Inductive Bible Study with our group. I had never heard of this before - it's just a different way to look at scripture. Basically, you print out the verses of the Bible without separating them into paragraphs, and without the verse numbers. You can then look at the scripture as if you were reading a long passage. It really helps you see it in a different light, and new things jump out at you that you've never noticed before. We studied Genesis first I was skeptical that I would learn a lot, because of how familiar this passage is! We were given the printed-out version of Genesis 1, lots of colored pencils, and lots of time to read it and write notes. Once the class started talking, we were all involved in it and feeding off of each others' ideas. I was so surprised at how much I learned from this!

After the Inductive Bible Study, Dr. Willis and his wife had lunch ready for us downstairs! They had prepared tacos for us, something we all miss about Texas :).

Then a group of us decided it was time to visit the Oxford University stores and buy souvenirs! I got a couple of t-shirts, postcards, a calendar, a Great Britain flag, patches, and a few presents for people. It was good to get the "tourist" thing over with :). Sarah tried on a really cute hat!

For dinner, we had what we called a "Love Feast". Everyone brought some type of food, enough for 4 or more people to eat, and brought it to the Commons Room. Then we all shared it! I brought a pizza. It was sooo much fun.

That night some of us went to see Pride and Prejudice. The guys dressed up! Brian, Todd, and Kyle:

We got back from the movie at 11:45 pm....Jennifer, Lael, and I really wanted ice cream from G & D's, but it closed at midnight. So we decided to run there and try to make it before closing! We wanted it that bad, haha. And we made it just in time!

Erin, Lael, and I stayed in the Commons Room that night talking until 5 am!!! I think I've found some new close friends :).


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